WWe provide free website for you only for the training period. Reason behind providing a free website during the training period is, that you could have a practical ground for practice and trails. As we do not charge for training, we also don’t want you to spend a penny towards learning.
Why am I being advised to have a website?
You join us to get clients. But in order to acquire those clients, we need to show them a lot of things starting from our quality of work, to the network of our designers from difference places of the world. Clients seems to be more happier when they directly see the freelancer’s profile or a portfolio. They their website, clients also gets an idea about the quality of output that freelances has a capacity to deliver. Following are the reasons, why we recommend you to have a website, while it is not mandatory, but the following benefits could be entertained by you by simple having a website.
- If you have a website, it will help you to be more practical during your training period, and you would be able to practice more, and take more trails of your ideas.
- When you get clients from us, you would be required to buy a website for them to start the development process, but the client would only pay you after completing the first stage of work. In case you already have a website, you need not to buy a new website for all the clients, because you can work on sub-domain of your existing website to complete the first stage of the website project, show it to the client and get the payment. Only you get the payment, only then you buy the website. This benefit can only be availed, if you already have a website
- If you have a website, your clients can see your quality of your design and feel safer to order you more even before seeing your first output of design
- If you have a website, you can mention your website name in all your designed projects, in order to get referral benefits.
- Your website also let your client’s see your history, other website’s designed by you and other details that you mention on your website
- Along with your website, you get a corporate business email account that add cherry over the cake while communicating with the client in general
- Positioning on Google / Search engine. As the website grows old, it becomes more stronger on search engines when compared to the new comes and competitors
- A website could become a platform where your customer could leave you a feedback or rating, which would help your future clients get converted easily
Managers must understand how the environment changes influence the business
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